
  • Reading and Writing
  • Being a confident speaker
  • Learning how to read visual text
  • Finding key ideas in your text
  • Being an active listener
  • Reading and responding

Confidence in reading and writing is crucial at any age, but being literate is not just about reading a book; the term being literate is commonly misunderstood. There are many areas of literacy including reading, writing, listening and speaking. If you want to be a literate individual you must address all of these areas, it is how students are assessed in the National Australian Curriculum. My literacy programs address these crucial areas.

Writing Classes

  • Academic Writing – Research, essays and reports
  • Write your Life – Recording stories
  • Creative writing – Using language effectively
  • Understanding Poetry - Writing, Analysis or just for the love of poetry

Communicating your ideas is important, there is no point having lots to say but not being able to transfer that knowledge onto paper. There is a big difference between the spoken and written word. I explain all of the various genres of writing, editing and researching, including all of the annoying things like paraphrasing and referencing correctly. These workshops will invigorate, inspire and guide you through the writing process. This is my thing! I love all kinds of writing – let me help you love it too – or at least like it…